Tuesday 20 March 2018

Analysis Subject, Verb, Complement, and Modifier based on Personal Opinion about Artificial Intelligence Trends in 2018

I. Introduction

1.1 Background

English is the most used language in the world to build better communication with foreign. People who are working in the business world, especially if the business is affecting the economy of the country and even the world, must have fluent or at least good at speaking English verbally and non-verbally. Not only for communication, but most of the knowledge was developed by international researcher. So, English is very important for business, education, and technology.

In this century, the science of technology has growing so fast that makes people’s business become easier. If it used to be all manual, from inputting data by write it down on the paper, processing it to get the output as a report and store them in the safe file. Now as time goes and the evolve of the science of technology replaced the method to be computer based. The most important part of science technology is the knowledge base that stored all the knowledge about certain problem based on certain field. This knowledge base usually gathered from an expert. For example, artificial intelligence in the making of expert system. This technology can help human to detect their needs, problems, and leads to conclusion. The artificial intelligence and the knowledge base both are closely related because to obtain a good artificial intelligence system, it should have a good knowledge base.

According to tekno.tempo.co, there are 10 trends of technology about artificial intelligence in 2018, that is The Artificial Intelligence, Smart Application and Analysis, Intelligence Things, Guide to Cloud-Edge Computation, Virtual Admin, Business Decision Makers, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence-Based Security, Digital Twins, and The Combination of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality [1]. These trends become very important especially for business and business interests.

Japan is the most rapid technological developments country compared to other countries. The Japanese scientists of technology have made many smart robots to support needs and activities of the society. For example, they have built a hotel where the employees are not human anymore. They use robots as the employees to serve the guests. The robot receptionists built in a human form, mini robot form, and dinosaurs form which is unique. They will serve the guests for check-in and check-out, give information about available rooms and prices in Japanese and English to support foreign guests. The guests will feel like they are in the future because all the facilities applied with sophisticated robotic technology [3].

In health sector, expert system is being intensively developed to help the patient knows the symptoms of certain diseases that are being experienced. The goal is the patient will discover which action to take when the symptoms leads to certain diseases without having to see the doctor directly. Verly, a Google scientist, is setting up an algorithm to detect the risk of heart disease only from the retina. It can conclude data accurately such as the person's age, blood pressure, a smoker or not, and analyzes the potential for heart disease just from retinal scan. This application will help a doctor to reducing the examination time of a patient. But it is still in its developing phase and need to be tested further before being implemented [2].

II. Literature Review

2.1    Subject

The subject of a sentence is the person or thing about which an assertion is made or a question is asked. Subjects can either be "simple" (composed of a single pronoun, noun or noun phrase), "compound" or "complex”. [4]

a) Simple Subject
Christine looked in the mirror. In this example, "Christine" is the subject because the sentence asserts that she looked in the mirror.

b) Complex Subject
A complex subject consists of a noun phrase and any words, phrases or clauses that modify it.
The man who had followed us inside walked over to the telephone. Central noun - man; complex subject - the man who had followed us inside.

c) A compound subject consists of two or more noun phrases (and their modifiers if any) joined together with a coordinating conjunction.
The man and the woman walked over to the telephone. The compound subject here is the whole phrase, "the man and the woman."
Neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission pleased the wealthy audience. The whole phrase, "neither the superior performance of La Traviata nor the excellent wine at intermission," is the subject. The phrase answers the question, "What pleased the wealthy audience?"

2.2 Verb

Many words in English have more than one function. Sometimes a word is a noun, sometimes a verb, sometimes a modifier. As a result, we must often analyze the job a word is doing in the sentence.
Verbs are a necessary component of all sentences. Verbs have two important functions:

  • Some verbs put stalled subjects into motion
  • Other verbs help to clarify the subjects in meaningful ways.

The important thing is that every subject in a sentence must have a verb. Otherwise, will have written a fragment, a major writing error. [5]

There are 7 types of verb:

  1. Transitive and Intransitive: transitive verb is followed by direct object while intransitive is not.
  2. Regular and Irregular: in regular form, past tense, and particle can add up suffix-ed on base form, while irregular is variate.
  3. Action and Stative: action verb is asserting something happening, while stative is a tendency static condition.
  4. Finite and Non-finite: finite is affected by tense and subject-verb agreement, while non-finite is not.
  5. Linking Verb: linking the subject of sentence with its description.
  6. Causative: verb that indicate a subject is not directly responsible for action occurred.
  7. Auxiliary Verb
Verb that appear before main verb. This Auxiliary verb can be divided into:

  • Primary Auxiliary (be, do, have)
  • Modal (can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must; expressing willingness, ability, necessity, and possibility)
  • Phrasal Modal (be able to, be going to, ought to, used to, etc.)

2.3 Complement

The term ‘complement’ refers to an obligatory dependent clause or phrase relative to a head. A clausal complement is consequently known as ‘complementizes’ (abbreviated as ‘C’). There are only a few complementizes in English (that, for, if, and whether), but nevertheless they have their own lexical category. [6]

Subject complement is a noun, pronoun, adjective, or other construction that act as a noun or adjective and followed with verb of being or linking verb, and the function is to explain or refer the subject of the sentence. Subject complement can be divided into:

  • Predicate adjective (a subject connected with adjective)
  • Predicate noun (a subject connected with noun)
  • Predicate pronoun (a subject connected with pronoun)

2.4 Modifier
Modifier specify the manner, location, time, or reason, among many other properties, of the situations expressed by the given sentences – informally, they are the (how, when, where, and why) phrases. One additional characteristic of modiļ¬ers is that they can be stacked up, whereas complements cannot. [6]

III. Analysis

 In this chapter, will do the analysis of 10 sentences from the background section based on the theory in chapter II.

People who working in the business world, especially if the business is affecting the economy of the country and even the world, must have fluent or at least good at speaking English verbally and nonverbally.
"People who working in the business world" = complex subject
"is" = auxiliary verb
"the economy of the country" = noun phrase

"affecting" = main verb (action verb)
"must" = modal verb
"the business" = simple subject
"have" = primary auxiliary
"especially" = adjective phrase
"fluent" = linking verb
"speaking" = linking verb
English is very important for business, education, and technology.
"English" = simple subject
"is" = auxiliary verb
"very" = predicate adjective

"important" = adjective phrase
"business, education, and technology" = noun phrase
In this century, the science of technology has growing so fast that makes people’s business become easier.
"the science of technology" = simple subject
"has" = primary auxiliary
"people's business" = object
"In this century" = modifier of time
"growing" = main verb (action verb)
"so fast" = adjective phrase
"makes" = linking verb
"easier" = adjective phrase
The most important part of science technology is the knowledge base that stored all the knowledge about certain problem based on certain field.
"the knowledge base that stored all the knowledge about certain problem based on certain field" = complex subject
"is" = auxiliary verb
"the most" = comparison adjective

"important" = adjective phrase
"part of the science technology" = object complement
The artificial intelligence and the knowledge base both are closely related because to obtain a good artificial intelligence system, it should have a good knowledge base.
"The artificial intelligence and the knowledge base" = compound subject
"are" = auxiliary verb
"a good" = noun phrase
"closely" = adverb
"related" = main verb
"artificial intelligence system" = direct object
"it" = subject (refers to the compound subject).
"to obtain" = to infinitive
"should" = modal auxiliary
"knowledge base" = direct object
"have" = primary auxiliary
These trends become very important especially for business and business interests.

"become" = verb
"These trends" = predicate subject (pronoun)

"very" = predicate adjective
"important" = adjective phrase
"for business and business interests" = noun phrase
Japan is the most rapid technological developments country compared to other countries.
"Japan" = simple subject
"is" = auxiliary verb
"the most" = comparison adjective

"other countries" = simple subject
"compared" = verb
"rapid" = adjective phrase
"technological developments country" = object
They have built a hotel where the employees are not human anymore.
"They" = simple subject
"have" = auxiliary verb
"a hotel" = direct object

"the employees" = simple subject
"built" = main verb
"human" = noun phrase
"are" = auxilary verb
In health sector, expert system is being intensively developed to help the patient knows the symptoms of certain diseases that are being experienced.
"the patient" = simple subject
"developed" = verb
"expert system" = direct object
"In health sector" = modifier of place
"help" = verb
"knows" = verb
"is being" = gerund (complement of verb)
"experienced" = verb
"intensively" = adverb
"are" = auxiliary verb
"the symptoms of certain diseases" = noun phrase
"being" = main verb
Verly, a Google scientist, is setting up an algorithm to detect the risk of heart disease only from the retina.
"Verly" = simple subject
"is" auxiliary verb
"an algorithm" = noun phrase

"a Google scientist"= subject, refers to Verly
"setting up" = main verb
"the risk of the heart disease" = obkect complement
"to detect" = to infinitive
"the retina" = object

IV. Conclusion

The artificial intelligence system might be dominating the theme of technology in many sectors this year. As it can helps some people to ease the work and obtain important information, but there will be less using human labor, only IT support or IT technician to repair the system if it needs to be developed or expanded.

The conclusion from chapter III is that there are so many grammatical rule in English and its different function in the sentences. This grammatical rule is very important in formal interests such as journal research, communication with important people, and so on. But sometimes the native English speaker would understand what the non-native speaker means when they say something using bad or wrong grammar.

V. Reference